What is Intentionally Productive?

Intentionally Productive: Be productive, not busy
Young female professional at desk smiling to camera

Intentionally Productive™ is a framework of principles and practices designed to help you make a greater impact with less effort.

This framework resulted from Eric Mack’s 30 years of experience and research in knowledge management, productive work-methods, and technology. At the Eric Mack Company, we use it to help our clients work smarter with their existing tools, so they can be productive instead of busy.

Each part of our plan corresponds to specific principles and practices that we teach. As we work with you, we will assess your work style to customize the steps in our plan for your greatest benefit.

The 7 Pillars of the Intentionally Productive Framework

PillarThis pillar is all about how to…Examples
InformationOrganize your information to find what you need, when you need it.
  • Self-organization and information management
  • How to set up a system to share information and collaborate
  • What to store where
MethodsDevelop an efficient, effective approach to work.
  • How to create a total productivity system
CommunicationUse email and other work tools to communicate more quickly and clearly.
  • Email effectiveness
  • How to work with distributed teams
  • Attention management in an always-on world
ToolsGet the most from your tools to get more done with less effort.
  • Which tool to use for what
  • How to use mobile tools to be productive anywhere: Our best practices
ActionCapture, track, and deliver on individual and team commitments.
  • Project and action management for individuals and teams
KnowledgeMore effectively utilize what you know, who you know, and what they know to create greater value.
  • Think differently: How to think about your knowledge, methods, and tools in concert
  • Knowledge capture and sharing
  • Personal knowledge management skills and practices
  • Create checklists for predictable success
  • After-action reviews
CollaborationUse the tools at your disposal to share information, actions, and knowledge with your team to increase efficiency and effectiveness for greater impact.
  • Meeting effectiveness
  • Productive practices for effective collaboration