Are you Intentionally Productive?

Consider these statements. How well do they describe you?

  • I consistently leave work each day with an empty inbox.
  • More often than not, I get timely and favorable responses to my emails.
  • I know my system: I can easily find what I need when I need it.
  • My meetings are effective and efficient: everyone leaves knowing who’s responsible for what.
  • I’m confident that I get the most from my tools: I know how to use them to save time.
  • I’m able to manage multiple roles while tracking everything and consistently meeting deadlines.
  • My team and I communicate and collaborate well together.
  • I am able to efficiently manage my workload with a high volume of input.
  • I know what each member of my team is doing and where we are in our projects at any given time.
  • I’m able to get my most important work done despite constant interruptions and distractions.

All of these can describe you, and we’re here to help. Click here to get started.