More productive, less busy

At the Eric Mack Company, we help busy professionals achieve greater calm and clarity.

Our favorite people are the overwhelmed, the crazy-busy, the achievers with just too much coming at them: information, messages, fads in work and technology that actually make our lives harder… We’ve seen these problems for decades.

We help you cut through the noise to gain some peace of mind — not just with productive methods for your situation, but with insightful principles you can apply to any circumstances.

Using our Intentionally Productive™ framework, we help professionals spend more of their time on meaningful work and make a greater impact.

Intentionally Productive business team meeting

Our clients are executives, business owners, entrepreneurs, managers, and individual contributors — anyone who’s challenged to make a greater impact at work with less effort.

Is that you? Are the demands on you piling up? Are you expected to do more with less?

We understand that. And we have a solution.

It’s not about getting more things done.

It’s about getting the right things done with calm and clarity.

This is your invitation to join others like you — so you can:

  • Achieving what’s most important to you
  • Earn the satisfaction of accomplishment
  • Be rewarded for your accomplishments
  • Do more of the work you love
  • Be free to step away from your work

We’re happy and satisfied when you’re satisfied.

Ready to get started?

Click here to take a quick survey and get insights into your work!

“We encourage the GTD community to take Eric’s survey. We did, and found it helpful to us in understanding how we work, what we can do to improve, and more.”
– David Allen

We designed this to give you insights into how you work — where you’re strong and what’s holding you back.

Our team will be blogging through responses to this survey, analyzing trends and offering insights — insights born of 30 years of experience on working with calm and clarity.

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Or, if you feel ready to jump right in, click below to see what we can do for you!

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Ready to get free?